Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Week 99!

This week was good!

At the beginning of the week due to the baptism we had to drain the Baptism font, we realized that the pump that was used to drain the water was not working, so ya! it was to the buckets. It was a funny 2 hours of work. 

To the Buckets!!

Everything has been good in the Zone, there is a lot of work to do and everyone is doing great here in Cozumel! Sorry for the short letter!

Elder Stabenow
Elder Vergara and Elder Stabenow!


First things first. We had a baptism this week!
 His name is Jorge! We were teaching Jorge and the sisters of our ward were teaching his Daughter Naomi. It was a very good experience and they were very ready to be baptized when I arrived in Cozumel. 

Jorge and his daughter Naomi on their Baptism day!
We are doing well here in the Zone and we look forward for more success in the other areas of the zone. It has been a very good week and it is very fun to be here in Cozumel. I enjoy the zone a lot! 

Everyone is very animated to work and all the missionaries here are really great!

Thanks for the love and support

Elder Stabenow

Weeks 97 Rebecca's Baptism

Aug 7,2017

This weeks has been very good. Here is the picture of Rebeca and her family at her baptism. Such a good experience, I believe that it was one of the most beautiful service that I have seen. This week In Cozumel Has been very fun. It is good to be back with Elder De La Rosa and to be working in our calling. We are finding more people to teach and we have at least 2 baptisms this transfer. It is fun to be here in Cozumel and it is a nice chill place to be. It will be a very fun Transfer!

Thanks for the love and support

Elder Stabenow
Rebeccas Baptism
Elder Stabenow and Elder De La Rosa relaxing on the Roof!