Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week 3

Hey Guys,

Week 3 has been good! A lot of good experiences this week! On Sunday I was able to pass the sacrament to my zone, it was so nice to do that. Our sacrament meetings are mostly in Spanish. And every missionary has to prepare a talk in Spanish. Once the meeting started the conducted in Spanish we blessed in Spanish and then after that, the president would stand on the pulpit and chose 4 missionaries randomly. Luckily I did not get picked, but after the missionaries spoke, we had a hymn and then the presidency spoke. They did their talks in English, but our President spoke and it was so amazing. He talked about how we show our love to God a Missionaries. He said that as missionaries, we should show our love and devotion to Heavenly Father by our efforts, and that we should be putting all our time so we can better ourselves in teaching the gospel, and how we should be constantly learning Spanish so that we can teach better. "Do Everything You Can to Do Gods Work" And that is how we show our love to our Heavenly Father. It motivated me so much, and i just had such a stronger desire to learn more and be better, just to show my love for him.

Later we had a Devotional, and we just watched a talk by Richard G. Scott, he talked about how important prayer is and how we should pour out our heart and soul to our Heavenly Father, every time we pray. At the end of the Video a sister missionary was going to say a prayer, and right before she did, Richard G. Scott got up and said this "Even if you feel stretched out and you feel you can´t do it, you will be given power to do it, He won´t ask you to do something you can´t do.", "The lord has called you to succeed, not fail, and he will help you. You will discover strengths and things about you that will sustain you for the rest of your life". That was such a good devotional i took 2 pages of notes on it. I know the lord is always there for me, and will give me power to do it.

One day before class started, we were throwing a ball around and then it went under a table in the back of the room. So Elder Her went to go get it, and right when he bent down to get it, he rip his pants. I just remember the sound and the pants, just basically dying, and just Elder Her´s face. I was just filled with tears of laughter. He just took off his jacket and covered the rip, and went back to the Casa as fast as he can to get new pants. Elder Her just has the funniest personality, he will just say stuff and it is funny. Yesterday he had a Staring Contest with another Elder in our Zone, and he would just go as long as he can, and there would be tears running down his face because his eyes are so dry. And as he was crying, he was just laughing, and then all of us witnessing this contest was just crying of laughter.

Elder Linton and I teach a "investigator" (our teacher) each day except Sundays and P-days, and our investigator told us one thing and Elder Linton and I, just changed our whole lesson right there. We did not have any lesson plan or anything. We just went straight off of memory, and we nailed it! The spirit was just so strong, we were talking back and forth and just testifying off of each other. And if we did not know the words, we would ask the other, and if that did not work we would find another way. And then the next day when we taught our other investigator, we had to change our whole plan again! And we did just as well, I know that we still need to improve on our Spanish, but I definitely know that we both have testimonies and can bring the spirit to our lessons. So it´s mainly just keep gaining more spiritually and work hard on getting over the language barrier. We have a lot of improvements to do and make, but I know that if we just put our trust in the lord, and do our part, he will be there to guide us and shape us into what we need to be.

On Sunday were able to watch a Church Video, and this time it was Meet the Mormons. It was really good, but I completely forgot about the last section they did in the movie. The Missionary Mom, i´ll admit, it was hard to watch that. I saw the Salt Lake Airport, and i just did not want to think about it at all. So we got back to our classroom and we are suppose to talk about the video. And all that we talked about was leaving family at the airport. It was torture to me, I really did not like hearing about that airport, and leaving families. I did not really participate in the discussion. I just knew that I really loved my family, and I got lucky when it came to a family. 
I´m all good, and i just focus on being the Best Representative of Christ. That is really the most important thing I can focus on. I know that if I do my part and do "All That I Can Do", and the Lord will sustain me as a Missionary, and as his Representative.

Elder Stabenow

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