Thursday, March 3, 2016

5 Months

5 Months, crazy!

Thanks for all the love and support that you guys give me. I am truly learning a lot here. I really love the fact that I get to be here. This week we had some crazy rain. For the first 2 hours it was a blast, I got to walk in huge puddles, because I was already soaked it did not make a difference. But after those first 2 hours, it just was too much, haha. So the rain finally stopped 3 hours later. But we had a lot of funny experiences during that.

This week we were privileged to hear from a Seventy, Elder Mendoza. And it was inspired. I cannot explain all of the things I learned, due to time. But it was such a blessing to be there, and feel that spirit. But one thing that I love in the gospel is Repentance. I am understanding repentance more and more as I am out here. We always need to repent and change something in our lives to be able to return to our Loving Heavenly Father. Study Repentance.

I am blessed to be here.

Thanks for everything.

Elder Stabenow

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