Monday, June 6, 2016

Week 34

Elder Stabenow and Elder Kenison

Transfers! I am staying and I received a new companion. He is my first american companion in the mission, his name is Elder Kenison, and he is from Utah. 
This week has been good, we have been working hard, and we are seeing progression. I have have felt a lot of peace this week, a lot of happiness. It is something so nice to feel the spirit in my life. It is great to have this gift as members of the church. I hope everyone is feeling the fruits of the Holy Ghost. 
Yesterday we had elections here so we just stayed in the house after going to church and eating lunch. It was alright, I watched devotionals, but it was a little long for me. I can`t believe on how fast the time has gone.
 Just Choose Happiness, Endure to the End while Enjoying life to the End, and it is always our decision if we are happy. 

I love you guys, I hope and pray for the best for you.

Thanks for the Prayers

Elder Stabenow

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