Friday, July 22, 2016

The Last 2 Weeks!

The Elders and Alia
Week 41

I don´t have that much time, but we are having really good things happing here. We had 5 investigators at church, and this week we will have the baptism of Alia. I finished the book of mormon for the second time in my mission. Everytime I read it i feel better, and I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and the power and peace in brings in our lives.
I hope everyone is good. I love you all and have a good week.

Elder Stabenow

                                     Elder Stabenow and his New Companion Elder Gardner

Week 42

This week was good, unfortunately Alia and to go to Merida to see her grandpa before he past away, But when she returns she will be baptized. But this last week was a good last week in Bosque 3
Now I am in José Maria Morelos and I am with Elder Gardner (from Utah, and his last Transfer). It is a village, but it seems really good here. The people are very humble here. I am excited to work here.
Thanks for the Love and support, and sorry for the short letter.

Elder Stabenow

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 40

Happy Birthday America from the elders!!

I hope everyone in the states are having a great 4th of July! This week has been an alright one. Sometimes there are just things that happen, but i just needed to keep going and just accept it as a way to show my faith to god.

We are doing well, we met the new President, his name is President Reynoso, he seems like a great guy and he will do some great stuff for this mission. And also he has a Brother in Law who is the Mission President of My cousin’s mission.

Elder Stabenow with President Reynoso and Sister Reynoso

We are still seeing good progression here with the investigators.

I love the scriptures and I know they are a blessing for us, so that we can receive comfort from up above. Thanks for the love and support.

Elder Stabenow