Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 40

Happy Birthday America from the elders!!

I hope everyone in the states are having a great 4th of July! This week has been an alright one. Sometimes there are just things that happen, but i just needed to keep going and just accept it as a way to show my faith to god.

We are doing well, we met the new President, his name is President Reynoso, he seems like a great guy and he will do some great stuff for this mission. And also he has a Brother in Law who is the Mission President of My cousin’s mission.

Elder Stabenow with President Reynoso and Sister Reynoso

We are still seeing good progression here with the investigators.

I love the scriptures and I know they are a blessing for us, so that we can receive comfort from up above. Thanks for the love and support.

Elder Stabenow

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