Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Elder Stabenow and Scooter


Elder Stabenow and Scooter!

Sorry for the big picture it is the only way to upload pictures at the internet cafe here.

But everything is really great here in Ucum. This week we were basically setting ourselves up for the next week. But we are working hard on finding new investigators. But everything is really peaceful here. Its a really calm place in the mission and i love it. This week we also had a Noche Mexicana and it went really well. It was actually one of the first activities in this Branch. It went really well and we believed it helped a lot of people there.

Thanks for the love and support that all of you do!

Elder Stabenow

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Special transfer! Ucum!


Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing great.
This week was an interesting one on Wednesday night I got a call from the AP´s and they said that i need to pack up my stuff and go to Ucum, so now i am here and with Elder Marchant. I have already met him and he is finishing up his mission this transfer. I don´t know what the changes are for but it was between 3 pairs of missionaries. But I am here and it is a cool place and I am excited to work here.

 I was sad to leave Elder Alger and José Maria Morelos, but I am needed here now. I hope everything goes well here and we will be finishing this transfer hard for Elder Marchant. 

To be honest I have been great and really blessed. Thanks for the love and support, it means a lot.

I love you all!

Elder Stabenow

The Branch in Jose Maria Morelos !
The Prayer House where they hold their meetings.
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