Sunday, September 18, 2016

Special transfer! Ucum!


Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing great.
This week was an interesting one on Wednesday night I got a call from the AP´s and they said that i need to pack up my stuff and go to Ucum, so now i am here and with Elder Marchant. I have already met him and he is finishing up his mission this transfer. I don´t know what the changes are for but it was between 3 pairs of missionaries. But I am here and it is a cool place and I am excited to work here.

 I was sad to leave Elder Alger and José Maria Morelos, but I am needed here now. I hope everything goes well here and we will be finishing this transfer hard for Elder Marchant. 

To be honest I have been great and really blessed. Thanks for the love and support, it means a lot.

I love you all!

Elder Stabenow

The Branch in Jose Maria Morelos !
The Prayer House where they hold their meetings.
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