Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Still In José Maria Morelos!

Hello Family and friends.

I am still here in mi Pueblo.

But now I am with Elder Alger, He is from Bolder City Nevada. He only has 2 more transfers then he is going home. But I knew him from my first transfer and I have not seen him since until now.

This week we got to open a little group to our branch, there is another village 3 miles from ours called La Presumida and we got to do a sacrament meeting there, because it is difficult for them to go to Jose Maria. But we had some investigators come to the services and it turned out very well. It was great to see that.

I am excited to stay here in Jose Maria Morelos another 6 weeks, so we will see how it goes.

Thanks for the love and support

Elder Stabenow

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