Tuesday, October 11, 2016

One Year Down!!

One Year!

How Crazy is that! On my one year mark Woke up just thinking a lot about a year ago and what a difference I feel. However my companion was not feeling so well so we went to the doctor in Chetumal and we found out he has Salmonella. So he needed injections for 4 days so I had to learn how to give an injection to someone, and it was not in the arm or the leg, and I believe you know where I am talking about. Haha!

But back to the 1 Year I have learned a lot, but I still have a lot to learn, but I am so grateful for the lessons that I have learned and the Blessing it is to be here in my mission. I am now just looking ahead and trying to make it the best mission I can. It’s up there, up ahead and that is where we need to face. Look for you mark which is in Christ.

I love this blessing to be in the best mission in the world "La Misión México Cancún", what a blessing it is to have a mission in my life.

I know this is Christ´s Church. We have a living day Prophet and Apostles, Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, and through him The Church was Restored!

I love this gospel, I know we have many people to help in this life. Thanks for all the love, prayers, and everything else that you have done for me.

Thanks for your support

Elder Stabenow

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