Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Busy Week and Lights Out!

Elder Stabenow and Elder Reyes

This week was really good. We saw some good things happen this week. We were able to have some people accept a baptism date and they are really progressing really well.

Some other events that happen this week is that we took a trip to Ingenino which is a town an hour from Ucum, and yes our area is that big, but we basically work in 2 towns and if we have work in the others we go there as well. But Ingenino is not the end of our area we could have gone another Half an hour to reach the end.

Here in Quintana Roo there are no mountains, but i heard at the end our our area we can see the mountains of Guatemala. We are also very very close to Belize it’s about 10 minutes from us. But over all this area is one of the prettiest.

Also in the Photo our lights went out! So it was really fun to have a candle night.

I hope everyone is having a great day and I love you all and wish the best for you.

Keep on Going!

Lights out!

Letter from 2 weeks ago....

I am very happy about this week, we finally had some investigators go to church and some that could be baptized very soon, but we will wait and see. But it has be very nice to see how the lord works in other people. And it was a blessing to see a few examples this week. That is one of the blessings of the mission. Seeing the lord work through others and preparing the way and the hearts of the people.

Many times we are walking in the sun all day, but I am okay with that because of the things that we witnessed this week.

Thanks for the love and support.

Elder Stabenow

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