Sunday, January 15, 2017

The last 2 weeks of Messages!


This week was good, I did have some work to do in the offices but it was a normal week.

We are excited to be here in Tumbencuxtal and we are finding more and more investigators and we are very grateful for the blessing of that.

I don`t have to much to say about the week, but everything is very good here. Thanks for the love and support

Elder Stabenow

Elder DeLa Rosa and Elder Stabenow

(Landon sends us an occasional voice recording and I was able to get it transcribed)

First voice message from Cancun  Jan 7, 17
Hello at home I hope everyone is doing great. I decided to send a voice message this week and I know a little bit different because now you cant hear the chickens or dogs or other or all the other things that happen in Ucum.

But I'm here now in and cancĂșn my area is called Tumbencuxtal I do not know what it means and it's hard to learn. But the area is huge. It’s a little bit different now. Being a secretary in the morning and we get to the offices at 10:00 in the morning and we stay there until 2:00 in the afternoon. After that we go and eat with the members. I've heard sometimes that the sectaries have to stay a little bit longer to get get things started. But if there is anything special. So sometimes it's all day.

 But I haven't had that yet.
I don't know when we'll have that but it's a really cool experience to be in office as I really like it already. It's fun. I'm working with great people there and I'm working close to the President and assistants, other secretaries, it's really fun.
Today we had another house that we lived in, this week but we were super far away from the offices so we. So we changed houses today with some other missionaries. So we're about 15 minutes away from walking from the offices.

So we'll see how that goes for us and we hope it's a good change. Here in the area, Tumbencuxtal  were kind of  starting off.
We're starting off with a fresh plate we don't have that many people to be teaching right now but we do have people who are preparing for baptism.

The investigators that the sister missionaries left are really good. They have a lot of potential and it's been really great to see them and I've  liked what I've seen here in this area. We've  met some less active. They're really really good actually. And that might change a little bit. And I'm hoping that that can change for them. I was thinking I would be a little bit sad to leave Ucum, I am a little bit. But I really know that. I was meant to be sent to this area and to Tumbencuxtal.

 I think it will be a good time here. I don't know how long I'll stay here at least I have heard that the secretary Secretarys stay for atleast three transfers so maybe four months here maybe longer I hope. But. Everything is really good here. We're starting off on a new foot. but it's really good.
My companion is Elder de la Rosa. He's from the Dominican Republic and he's really cool.
 He's a funny guy. He's a skinny guy like me but he's really fun. His attitude. He has one of those personalities from from that part of the area. It's just fun. It's just fun to be with him. It's really funny because all of us in offices what we consider as the offices where it's the secretaries and the assistants also President Reynoso. and there's only one who is a Mexican and all the rest. There's two Americans one from the Dominican Republic My companion and one from Guatemala. And then the other assistant is another American. So there's not really that many Mexicans there in the offices but it's really fun to be there and talk with them.

It's very different. But I really like it and it's fun.  Well I'm doing great here. I'm really loving it.
 And Cancun is very different than my other areas. I've been, in Chetumal and Ucum and there's a lot of things that are happening here and there is huge. But I'm doing good here. I love it. And. It's as fun to work and have it's fun. It's really satisfying and I'm loving being here and this in this time to preach the Gospel and to Also assist other missionaries with what they need. I do get a lot more calls now.

in the office I work with my own computer I'm kind of working on my own stuff. The secretaries are doing their own things. I don't know what they do exactly, but as for  my assignment I work with all of them and materials I manage the packages all. Pamphlets, the books of Mormon. We're going to give. I prepare for stuff like that, getting ready for Conferences for president and everything. I do a lot of work, I also order name tags for the missionaries. I do a lot of stuff but I'm still learning, I'm not sure how to do everything but. Little by little I'm learning and it's all good and it's really fun and it's fun to be there in the system.

Thank you for all the things, You guys have done for me. I know that you guys are praying for me and that's helping me out a lot. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND. I thank you for all that you have done for me.  We are going to have we're going to have success here in Tumbencuxtal. I feel that, I am pretty sure we're going to have a lot of success here. I think we're going to help this world out a lot. I love you guys so much.
 Thank you for everything.

 Elder Stabenow

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