Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Week 84 Skype with the family!

Elder Stabenow Skyping with the family!  What a great time!!

My new area is Playa 1 in the Ward Playa Del Carmen and my new companion is Elder Aranda who is just starting his mission! 
At the first of the week we were walking quite a bit and we were struggling to find people to teach and also learn the area, but I learned that the lord does help us to be able to complete our Goals, One goal for Training is that the new missionary invites an investigator to be baptized in the first week. I was a little worried about that goal because of the lack of investigators but we had to stick to it to the end, which was literally Sunday, 8:00 pm, and we were able to have a lesson, gain 3 new investigators and my companion was able to invite them to baptism that was a good highlight of the week.

I must say that my last skype call was the best one that I have had in the mission! I felt so happy and motivated after talking with my family!

Have a great week!

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow and Elder Aranda

Monday, May 8, 2017



Just to let you know that I am going to be transferred to the City of Playa Del Carmen that is a little south of Cancún in the Ward Playa, and I am going to be training a new Missionary! I am so excited to have a second Son! 

Today we were able to go to El Meco! A mayan ruin that is in Cancún it was fairly small but it was a fun trip to make with all the other secretaries.I am very excited to have these new adventures that are coming up soon!

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow at El Meco!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Week 82

At the beginning of the week my companion got a Stomach Infection and on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday we stayed in the house and my companion slept they whole time. But it was good I read a lot of the Book of Mormon, so it was a productive time!

This week the Moo Pool family gave us a referral and now we are teaching Brother Miguel´s Cousin! That was fun too see! We do have some people that can be baptized very soon, so with some miracles we could have a baptism soon!

This next week will be transfers so we will see what will happen with me! Have a great week!

Elder Stabenow

Birthday Week!! Elder Stabenow is 20!

Thanks so much to everyone that wished me a happy birthday!

It was a really fun day for me, it was a lot better than my last one.😉

The other secretaries gave me a cake in the morning and for the afternoon we went to eat at a members home. The Member knew it was my birthday and cooked something special for me. She made me Lasagna! It was so good! And later that night another sister with the same birthday as mine gave us a pizza to eat.

It was a really fun week and we have had a lot of rain this last week. It has been really nice to have a break from all the heat. Thanks for making it a great birthday week!