Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Week 84 Skype with the family!

Elder Stabenow Skyping with the family!  What a great time!!

My new area is Playa 1 in the Ward Playa Del Carmen and my new companion is Elder Aranda who is just starting his mission! 
At the first of the week we were walking quite a bit and we were struggling to find people to teach and also learn the area, but I learned that the lord does help us to be able to complete our Goals, One goal for Training is that the new missionary invites an investigator to be baptized in the first week. I was a little worried about that goal because of the lack of investigators but we had to stick to it to the end, which was literally Sunday, 8:00 pm, and we were able to have a lesson, gain 3 new investigators and my companion was able to invite them to baptism that was a good highlight of the week.

I must say that my last skype call was the best one that I have had in the mission! I felt so happy and motivated after talking with my family!

Have a great week!

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow and Elder Aranda

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