Tuesday, June 13, 2017

6/5/2017 to 6/13/2017

Hello Everyone!

I have not sent a weekly letter for quite some time. We are doing alright here in Playa Del Carmen, we are still teaching The Guillen Solis Family and we hope that they get married soon and also get baptized, and they are doing great. I see a lot of potential in them.

This week I have been studying a lot about the Priesthood, What a wonderful thing it is to have Priesthood holders in our homes and the what a blessing it is to have the Priesthood to bless the lives of others as The Lord desires, I love that knowledge of that.

I decided to send a picture of Elder Aranda and I doing a practice in our home for his training, it was a fun little Idea and I think it worked well, we were just teaching together to a piece of paper with a face on it.

Thanks for the love and support

Elder Stabenow



Hello Everyone!

At the beginning of the week we had our Generation Meeting so we got to go back up to CancĂșn and have a Meeting with our Mission President. It was really good and it was fun to see a lot of other missionaries. When we were leaving the mission office to go back to Playa Del Carmen I hugged my ex-companion Elder Kenison and realized that it was going to be my last time seeing him in the mission. He will be going back to Utah on the 18th of this month.

 In this ward I really love the members here, they are really good people and are willing to help us in the Work, we will be definitely working a lot with the members in the following weeks to find more people to teach.

Sorry for not having to much to say about the week!

Elder Stabenow
Elder Stabenow and Elder Kennison

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