Tuesday, November 10, 2015

In the field!


President and Sister Kirkham with Elder Stabenow when he arrived in Cancun

All the new arriving missionarie

Hey Guys,

It is crazy! I got to Cancún yesterday and it was kinda overwhelming. I was the only person on my flight here, that was not Latino. So I had a quiet flight. The night before I did not get a lot of sleep, so I was very tired, and I just needed sleep, so I thought I would sleep on the plane. On the plane, I could not get myself to sleep. So I went through out my day, just on 1 hour of sleep. So we landed and I met my Mission President, and his wife. They are great people, and they are always there for you. So we went in the Chapel in Cancún and had some meetings. I had a Elder next to me telling me what was being said, because I could not understand everything being said. After we had Interviews with the President. Then after I got assigned to a companion! It was really cool, every trainer got up described the Area that they are serving, then the president would call up the person that they are serving with. When one of the Elders was up, I could not understand what he was saying, but after he finished. President Kirkham said, "Now can you say that in English?". And I was just shocked, because my companion speaks english very well, and I was sitting there amazed. It was so cool. I am the first missionary that he is training, and he is a really good guy, and hardworking. So after all the meetings we got to go the the apartment, and all I got to do was drop my luggage off and go to appointments that we had that night. We had 2 appointments, one inviting a lady to a FHE, and then FHE. Maria, the investigator, unfortunately did not show up to the FHE. But it was very good anyways. I could not be happier about how my first day turned out to be. I was so happy that all I could do was set my stuff aside, and go out and work. My Spanish is terrible, but I am trying. I am trying, and that is what counts. I am learning to set myself aside, and help the people. I want to be better, and I am trying to do everything the Lord wants me to do, because the Lord wants me to help the People. I come out here with high hopes, and faith that I can help people. I am so thankful for the people that have helped me. Because you guys caused this feeling and desire to help others. Thank you so much, I can´t wait to serve the people of Mexico, the people I have met are so amazing and so nice. I will send the next email on Monday, so hopefully I will have some good stories to tell. Thanks for your support.

 Elder Stabenow
Elder Stabenow with his trainer Elder Calderon

The view ourside his Apartment!  Seriously!

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