Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week 6


It has been a full week that I have been CancĂșn, its amazing! I really enjoy teaching, or trying to teach the gospel here. This week I set a goal for myself to contact one person on the street. It took a day or two but it happened! I just felt that I should talk to one lady on the street and I did not second guess myself. It was really cool, I did not do most of the talking but I still started it, I didn´t understand everything being said. But she was interested, she said that her and her husband was looking for a church to attend. I was so happy after! It was such a nice feeling to achieve my goal that I set. I really hope it works out and that there could be a baptism with them sometime.

A few days ago I found myself getting a little frustrated, because right now I am not at a point where I can follow along with the lessons, so I am mostly lost and a little bored with it. But after an appointment, I found myself getting pretty annoyed with not being able to teach, or even say anything that I wanted to say correctly. But I quickly realized that that was really a dumb thing to think. I laugh at myself right now thinking that I should be understanding everything being said. So I am just trying to learn Spanish Little by Little. And I know I will get there eventually. I have trust in the Lord that I can receive the Gift of Tongues as I work for it.

It’s been my first week, and already ups and downs. But I just know that it is so important to GROW, and be okay with change with new situations in a mission.

I Love You Guys

Elder Stabenow

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