Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 7


This past week has been interesting. We have had some days with a lot of stuff to do. And some with very little success. But I would mainly like to share about yesterday first. We had a lot to do on this past Sunday. Get a investigator for church, We wait for a van from a member to pick us up in Bonfil with all of the members and investigators. The van was a little late, so we were running really close on time. We made it to church on time, and after we had to go to another church for a baptism interview. We got there and we soon found out that the baptism interview was not at the church, and not at 4. So we decided to go on splits with the other missionaries for an hour. So I went with Elder Cruz, We went to this one members house, who his son was the investigator. The member acted really strange. He is a member but he still wears the Jewish Cap, and he had blonde hair and a big beard. He soon found out that I was from Utah and that I can speak English. So for 50 minutes of the whole 60, He just talked and talked to me, "Why does the Prophet wants us to learn English?" And Just on and on, he talked about every aspect of English. It was so funny to me I loved it! So we only shared our testimonies about the church and went on from there.

Also in this week, we had a investigator drop us. We were devastated, our last lesson was so amazing and we felt that she would get baptized fairly quickly. But the thing is that it did not seem like it was totally her words. Unfortunately in life people decide to take other people’s words. And she decided to not take any more lessons with us. It got me thinking after that. I think of all the people I witness slowly starting to loose there testimony, or making wrong decisions that don´t go along with the church. I hear of people, I still witness it here. And It breaks my heart to see that, and hear of it. If you have the chance just listen to "Safety for the Soul" by Jeffery R. Holland. With this church, you can´t just go through the motions, without acting, you will slowly start to go off the path. I have witness it in my own life. But I pray that everyone at home, and the people here, just keep trying, keep looking for help from your Savior. That is all he Ask, just take that chance and act. I know you can make your life better in the Church, I have witness it in my Life. I know that this Church is TRUE. And Keep working to GROW your testimony, don´t let it stay in one place for a time. Don´t let others deceive you, the lord needs you in this Church to touch the live around you. Keep Working.

Elder Stabenow
The streets of Bonfil!

His Casa!

Ready to head out to work!

Elder Stabenows shoes when it rains in Bonfil

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