Monday, November 30, 2015

Week 8


This is crazy I hit my 2 month mark today. It is amazing all the places I have seen, the experiences I have had. The friends I have made, and things that have become part of my testimony.  I really am happy where I am at, even though it is hard, and I don´t understand everything that is going on.  The things that have happen here are way better than the things I would be doing in Utah.  This week was special Elder Calderón and I had 2 Investigators that got baptized! Edgar, and Regina!  It was truly a great day, and great to see that happen.  What I have learned is that it is the people really who matter.  Not how well you can understand or how well you can speak.  When you have the spirit with you the people will feel the spirit you bring.  I fell into the trap this week of getting frustrated with the language, and I did not feel happy at all.  But thanks to my Companion I was able to realize those feelings are from Satan to distract me.  I felt so terrible after I talked with him for doing that, and I felt bad to the Lord for that (Moses 1:16). When you feel overwhelmed with stuff, and you feel the adversary against you.  Realize that you can push through it, you can do it.  The Lord knows you, and he is with you, and he will sustain you.
 Remember him, just as he remembers you.  And that is why I love the Savior, He is always there, he wants you to keep going.  One of the Saviors name is "The High Priest of Good Things to Come" Stay with the Lord, stay in his Church, and Rejoice that this is the TRUE Church.  The Church is wonderful, all the good things that are meaningful in my life is because of the Church.  And I love I am a representative of Jesus Christ, and I get to bring people in the Church and closer to him.

Elder Stabenow

This sweet member shined the Elders shoes after thein lunch appointment!
What a kind man!
Their shoes look great!

This happy Elder got some packages this week!

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