Saturday, December 26, 2015

Week 11

This week has been a good one. I was a little nervous to be in a different area but it is really great here. It also a lot hotter here too! Here it is really great. The people here are great! The members are really helpful and they go with us to lessons a lot. Villas Del Sol has 2 different areas and mine is the one closer to the Beach. So we have lunch with the other missionaries from the other area here a lot. I don`t really know how many people are in our ward. Because our experience was this on Sunday. 5 minutes before the meeting started there were people from our ward and a little bit of tourist, then right at 11, it just seemed like a wave of tourist coming into the chapel. It was just crazy, but it was fun to talk to some of them, and yes there was a lot from Utah too. This week I have been learning a lot of Spanish. It is been really fun to learn too, my companion Elder Balderrama is really helpful, and is really kind. We have been working really hard to find new people, it has been a challenge but we are getting better. I have been listening to talks this past week, and the one that stand out this week was "The High Priest of Good Things to Come", I love that. That is just what Christ is, as we keep moving forward with purpose and patience, we will have those good things come to us. I love the things I learn here, It’s really great to be out here, Its hard some days, but I know all will be worth it.

Love you

¡Feliz Navidad!

Elder Stabenow

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