Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 11

Merry Christmas! 
Finished the Book of Mormon  Christmas Day

¡Feliz Navidad! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I was blessed to be able to skype with my family and it was great and so fun to see all of them together. They are truly the family for me and are amazing examples to me. This week in Villas Del Sol was hard to find and have a lot of lessons. Most of the nights my legs just hurt so bad from just walking all day long. But I know we will have a lot more success in the weeks to come. 

The first day I got here in Cancùn they gave me a Book of Mormon and the mission was going to read the Book of Mormon for a gift to Jesus. I was blessed to finish the Book of Mormon on Christmas day. And I can say the Book of Mormon is true, and it is so special in my life to have it. If you have not read it...READ IT. It is such a blessing and you will know that it is true. I am so thankful for our Savior Jesus Christ, and his sacrifice for all of us. I know he loves every single one of us and knows us by name. Always know the savior is there. Do everything you can to feel our Saviors love. I am so thankful for this Gospel and it truly blesses every single one of us, and our families.

Elder Stabenow

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