Monday, February 15, 2016

I don´t have much time to talk about my week. Ups and Downs. But things will get better if we put our trust in the Lord and do our part with all our love.

Elder Stabenow gave a talk on the Holy Ghost Sunday

A mural in his favorite part of his area.

I have heard tragic news about Sister Sadie Wells. I cried a few tears over the news of her in this computer Cafe. But I know that this is the Work of the Lord. And I Know that being out here your love for your family grows. I Love my Family.

A mission is about loving and helping others to come unto Christ. One of the Christ like Attributes is Love. And I know Love is a Devine Gift. I love you, I hope the best for you, and Heavenly Father has a special plan for every one of us.

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow didnt write a family letter but sent a few pictures from the previous week.  

Drenched after a rain storm :)

Enjoying some Brownie mix from his package,

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