Thursday, March 31, 2016

6 Months!

Elder Stabenow in Cancun

6 Months! The time has gone really fast but very meaningful. 

This week I got to hear a lot about finding that new life in Christ. And how it is important to do the things that help us be more Christlike. Finding our new life in Christ is through his Atonement, and repentance. And having the faith to change your heart to do his will. I loved it. Being out here for 6 months has been a life changing experience and I want to be better and more Christlike. I have felt the love of Christ in many different ways and it makes me feel so happy and loved. I know that we will want to feel that love always in our hearts. I love it I testify that we can all feel the love of Christ in our lives.

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow love the bread there:)

Elder Stabenow

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 23 and a New Area...Again

Letters from both this week and last week.... Transfered and then moved to another area:)



I have been transferred again, but staying in the same zone. This past week I felt I learned a lot on who I want to become as a missionary, and have received a lot of helpful advice from other missionaries that I look up to. I love this new video from the church, the Easter message. And I think it is somewhat personal to everyone, and means a lot when we truly think of what he did for us. I love it. I love thinking about how Christ know what is happening in our personal lives, and I truly believe that our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ surely matches the tears that we cry with their own. I believe this next transfer will be a good one, a one of learning, and a lot of growing. I love you guys sorry for the short letter, but all is good. I love you guys.

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow with a family from his first new area!



This Past week we did a lot of getting to know the members and the area. It was really great to know all of it. But on Saturday we got a call from President Kirkham that we would be leaving together to another area. So we are in Bonampak, and so we are starting at page one again. But it has been really great this past week.

I want to keep learning so much, and keep trying to be more and more Christ like, I don´t have much time to write a lot. But I love this perfect work. I love this gospel. Thanks for the love and support.

Elder Stabenow

 Outside of his Apartment in Bonampak, it is in Cancun 
Elder Stabenow with his new Companion!  Enjoying Ice Cream

Thursday, March 3, 2016

5 Months

5 Months, crazy!

Thanks for all the love and support that you guys give me. I am truly learning a lot here. I really love the fact that I get to be here. This week we had some crazy rain. For the first 2 hours it was a blast, I got to walk in huge puddles, because I was already soaked it did not make a difference. But after those first 2 hours, it just was too much, haha. So the rain finally stopped 3 hours later. But we had a lot of funny experiences during that.

This week we were privileged to hear from a Seventy, Elder Mendoza. And it was inspired. I cannot explain all of the things I learned, due to time. But it was such a blessing to be there, and feel that spirit. But one thing that I love in the gospel is Repentance. I am understanding repentance more and more as I am out here. We always need to repent and change something in our lives to be able to return to our Loving Heavenly Father. Study Repentance.

I am blessed to be here.

Thanks for everything.

Elder Stabenow