Thursday, March 31, 2016

6 Months!

Elder Stabenow in Cancun

6 Months! The time has gone really fast but very meaningful. 

This week I got to hear a lot about finding that new life in Christ. And how it is important to do the things that help us be more Christlike. Finding our new life in Christ is through his Atonement, and repentance. And having the faith to change your heart to do his will. I loved it. Being out here for 6 months has been a life changing experience and I want to be better and more Christlike. I have felt the love of Christ in many different ways and it makes me feel so happy and loved. I know that we will want to feel that love always in our hearts. I love it I testify that we can all feel the love of Christ in our lives.

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow love the bread there:)

Elder Stabenow

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