Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Week 94 Visit to Tulum!


The week has been very good we were able to put some baptism dates with new people but the problem is that they did not show up to Church.

Today was very fun. We went to Tulum! Too much fun! It was so much fun this time. Way better than the last time. This time we went early in the morning, so when we got there was almost no one, so we got to take some really good pictures. If we go there as a family someday it would be best to do it early in the morning, unless we want a tour guide. As missionaries we have to get out of Tulum at 10 in the morning, because if we don´t it can get, let’s just say it can get "Spiritually Dangerous. HaHa! But it is a really nice place.

Elder Stabenow and Elder Beirman Visiting Tulum!

I have noticed that some stakes here struggle with having strong youth, and really that is what the church needs, strong youth that stand up for their beliefs. I feel that being a leader of the youth is one of the most important jobs. There are a lot of duties to do in the church and they are all very important.+

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