Monday, July 31, 2017

Week 96 On the Last Trasfer!

So the big news is that I am not going to be finishing my mission here in Playa Del Carmen.

I got the call from President today. And when it’s a call from president it is something special. I am now going to be serving in the island of Cozumel as a Zone Leader! And the best part of all is that I am going to be with my old companion Elder De La Rosa! So Cool! I am very excited for my last transfer! Elder Aranda got is transfers on Tuesday and had to leave on Wednesday to go to the office to be a Materials Secretary so I am with another American for the week, Elder Bierman.

Elder Stabenow and Elder Aranda

Elder Stabenow and Elder Bierman 

We are teaching Rebeca right now, and she has a baptism date for today. At the beginning of the week she said that she wanted to be baptized another week and that she was not ready. So we left her with the assignment to read and ask god before deciding. The next time I went with our zone leader, Elder Trujillo, and we got talking with her and the same, another week. So I asked if she prayed, she said that she did and that she knew all of this was true, but just wanted to be baptized another week. So Elder Trujillo said "Who do you think is telling you to be baptized another week?" And a very long pause, and she said "Satan", and there was another very long pause. Then she said, "Can it be on Saturday?". I was so amazed on what happened there. And there was a strong happy feeling there in that little room.

Today we are going to baptize Rebeca. I am going to have the privilege of baptizing her and I will always remember that experience. I will try to send some pictures the next week of her. Thanks for the prayers, they really do help.

Love you all!

Elder Stabenow

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