Monday, October 23, 2017

Last Letter Home!

Sept 9, 2017


How cool it is to think that this is my last letter home as a missionary.

Tomorrow we are going to have a Baptism! His name is Christian, his whole family are members but he did not get baptized with them. We started visiting him about 2 or 3 weeks ago and it just worked out, he was ready, so we re-passed the lessons and he had his interview yesterday and he will be baptized on Sunday. It has been a great week filled with a lot of memories.

I loved being here in Cozumel, I think it was the perfect way to end my mission. I still have a few more days left so I will try to soak it all in.

Thanks for the love and support that helped me through theses 2 years.

I will see you soon and just know that I love you!

Elder Stabenow

My "Last Week Training" by Elder De La Rosa
The Zone Cozumel

Week 101

Don´t have much to say this week, but it is crazy just to be entering in my last week of the mission. But I will make sure to send a good email on Saturday, which will be my last p-day. We are looking ahead for some great things this week!

I just want to express my gratitude for all the support and love that you have given me.
 I will Talk with you on Saturday and have a great week!

Monday, October 16, 2017

August 28th,2017

It was a very good week! Yesterday I got to baptize an investigator. The Sisters of our ward was teaching her, but she asked me to baptize her! It was a great experience as it is always to baptize someone. I don´t have a picture but I am going to get one this week from a member. On Thursday Elder De La Rosa and I had to give a presentation in the Zone Conference! It was called "With an eye single to the glory of god" We talked about having a vision in the mission and the importance of having a vision of baptism. It turned out really well it was an overall great conference. Everything is going great here and we are excited for these next few week!

I love you guys so much, Just to let you know I only have 2 more weeks! These next few weeks are going to be great!

Elder Stabenow

Heading back to Cozumel!