Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Week 13.

Wow it’s amazing, I feel like I have been out for so long, but I feel like it’s been so fast. I hope everyone had a good week. This week in Villas Del Sol has been a really good one. We have had a lot of success and some really good lessons. I still feel I need to improve in Spanish a lot, and I know I need too, because I only have 3 and a half months in my mission. But I am not trying to get too down about that. This is one thing that I have learned on my 3 and a half months experience. Satan wants you to be sad. That is his goal. And I promise you, If you are feeling down, you look to the Gospel, Jesus Christ, and your loving Heavenly Father. They bring true happiness and they will always help you. This gospel in a Gospel of Happiness and it’s a gospel of True Growth. I love it and I love to see people start walking the path of the Gospel and becoming more happy. Thanks for all the Letters, Love, and Support.

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow was able to visit Tulum on his P-day!

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