Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 14

January 18 2016

At the beginning of this week it was a little difficult. I wasn´t feeling as confident in the language, how I taught, and a lot more. But I had some experiences that I don´t have time to explain, and is a little sacred for me. But it made me happy to be here, and took me back, and made me look from a new perspective. After one experience I often thought of the one testimony of the New Apostle. "Through Gods Eyes" That testimony is special for me. I think of parents, and their children. And I know they have great expectations for them. They want the best for them. I know I am blessed to be at the point where I am now, to help people come closer with their Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ. I find that such a privilege.

Think about our Heavenly Fathers perspective often, and you will find there is something better in the future, until the end, With Our Eternal Family. Think of people you can Serve, and Share the Gospel with. And be in the Service of Our Lord.

Elder Stabenow

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