Monday, April 18, 2016

Happy Birthday Elder Stabenow!

Happy Birthday Landon!
Picking up his package from the mission office!

April 18, 2016

 Hola Como Estas? Estoy muy bien y feliz.  
It is really good to be here.  Sometimes it is stressful and sometimes I feel terrible for mistakes I make.  But it is wonderful to see and hear about miracles.  Last week I received a Letter from Elder Baldarrama.  He talked about a little kid named Mario.  And every time we were in his neighborhood Mario would always say “Hey! Lend me 5 pesos” And Elder Baldarrama always said “Nah! Get Lost!”  But it was really funny to see this.  And we ran into this kid about 5 times a week.  But I got transferred, and transferred again. But Elder Baldarrama is still in Villa Del Sol. In his letter he said that Mario showed them his family, and now the family is investigators. It was really nice to see that and hear about that miracle.  Now I am in Bonampak it okay. It is very hard to have members in our lessons, and have them help us with the work.  So that has been a hard part in this area.  Today is my Birthday and it has been Good, I am writing this in the morning.  So after studying we will pick up my package.  I don’t believe I have anything special planned later today.  Also Transfers are on Sunday so I am not sure what will happen.  I have my feelings but I am not going to say anything about it.  J I love you so much and thanks for everything.  I pray for you guys every day, and hope everything is well. 

“Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me. I am Jesus Christ. I came by the will of the Father and I will do his will.” D&C 19: 23-24

Happy Birthday Boy
Elder Stabenow
Elder Calderon heading home from his mission! Saying good-bye!
Adding an extra Companion this week

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