Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 61

This week was really cool, First off we went to Playa for our conference. On the way there we took a taxi to a back to take out money, and my mistake and also the taxi drivers, i left my bag in the taxi, and we had to go playa without it. So we said a prayer and everything, but we had to go. So luckily a member gave me a suit to use for the meeting. I got to meet the Area President of Mexico, Elder Piper, the conference that we had with was amazing, we really felt the spirt there, he was a very kind man and really taught us a lot. After that meeting we went to ADO the bus station and i got to see the Higgs family there, It was such a surprise to see them, it made my day. 

Just to inform you guys that the taxi driver did notice my bag in his taxi and he went and dropped it off at one of our churches in Chetumal, so i will get it back on Thursday. 
The week was great,

thanks for all the love a support, Have a great week!

Elder Stabenow

Friday, December 2, 2016

Unexpected Visitors!

Elder Stabenow had a few unexpected visitors today! A family from our ward was vacationing in mexico and they saw a few missionaries and asked if they know Elder Stabenow,  They told them that he was just down the street at a Bus station.  He just happened to be in that area for a zone conference. What a fun treat!

Elder Stabenow and the Higgs

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Busy Week and Lights Out!

Elder Stabenow and Elder Reyes

This week was really good. We saw some good things happen this week. We were able to have some people accept a baptism date and they are really progressing really well.

Some other events that happen this week is that we took a trip to Ingenino which is a town an hour from Ucum, and yes our area is that big, but we basically work in 2 towns and if we have work in the others we go there as well. But Ingenino is not the end of our area we could have gone another Half an hour to reach the end.

Here in Quintana Roo there are no mountains, but i heard at the end our our area we can see the mountains of Guatemala. We are also very very close to Belize it’s about 10 minutes from us. But over all this area is one of the prettiest.

Also in the Photo our lights went out! So it was really fun to have a candle night.

I hope everyone is having a great day and I love you all and wish the best for you.

Keep on Going!

Lights out!

Letter from 2 weeks ago....

I am very happy about this week, we finally had some investigators go to church and some that could be baptized very soon, but we will wait and see. But it has be very nice to see how the lord works in other people. And it was a blessing to see a few examples this week. That is one of the blessings of the mission. Seeing the lord work through others and preparing the way and the hearts of the people.

Many times we are walking in the sun all day, but I am okay with that because of the things that we witnessed this week.

Thanks for the love and support.

Elder Stabenow

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Big Changes:Trainer & District Leader!

Elder Stabenow with his new Companion Elder Reyes and his very first Companion Elder Calderon!

Hello everyone.

I am now a Trainer and a District Leader! My new companion is called Elder Reyes. He is just off the plane and is very excited to work. I am really excited to work with him.

It has been interesting to see one missionary ending his mission and the other beginning, they both teach me new things.

This week in Ucum we received a lot help from the members in the work that makes us super happy. I am very excited for this transfer,

thanks for all the help and love and support.

Elder Stabenow

One Year Down!!

One Year!

How Crazy is that! On my one year mark Woke up just thinking a lot about a year ago and what a difference I feel. However my companion was not feeling so well so we went to the doctor in Chetumal and we found out he has Salmonella. So he needed injections for 4 days so I had to learn how to give an injection to someone, and it was not in the arm or the leg, and I believe you know where I am talking about. Haha!

But back to the 1 Year I have learned a lot, but I still have a lot to learn, but I am so grateful for the lessons that I have learned and the Blessing it is to be here in my mission. I am now just looking ahead and trying to make it the best mission I can. It’s up there, up ahead and that is where we need to face. Look for you mark which is in Christ.

I love this blessing to be in the best mission in the world "La Misión México Cancún", what a blessing it is to have a mission in my life.

I know this is Christ´s Church. We have a living day Prophet and Apostles, Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, and through him The Church was Restored!

I love this gospel, I know we have many people to help in this life. Thanks for all the love, prayers, and everything else that you have done for me.

Thanks for your support

Elder Stabenow

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Elder Stabenow and Scooter


Elder Stabenow and Scooter!

Sorry for the big picture it is the only way to upload pictures at the internet cafe here.

But everything is really great here in Ucum. This week we were basically setting ourselves up for the next week. But we are working hard on finding new investigators. But everything is really peaceful here. Its a really calm place in the mission and i love it. This week we also had a Noche Mexicana and it went really well. It was actually one of the first activities in this Branch. It went really well and we believed it helped a lot of people there.

Thanks for the love and support that all of you do!

Elder Stabenow

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Special transfer! Ucum!


Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing great.
This week was an interesting one on Wednesday night I got a call from the AP´s and they said that i need to pack up my stuff and go to Ucum, so now i am here and with Elder Marchant. I have already met him and he is finishing up his mission this transfer. I don´t know what the changes are for but it was between 3 pairs of missionaries. But I am here and it is a cool place and I am excited to work here.

 I was sad to leave Elder Alger and José Maria Morelos, but I am needed here now. I hope everything goes well here and we will be finishing this transfer hard for Elder Marchant. 

To be honest I have been great and really blessed. Thanks for the love and support, it means a lot.

I love you all!

Elder Stabenow

The Branch in Jose Maria Morelos !
The Prayer House where they hold their meetings.
Add caption

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Still In José Maria Morelos!

Hello Family and friends.

I am still here in mi Pueblo.

But now I am with Elder Alger, He is from Bolder City Nevada. He only has 2 more transfers then he is going home. But I knew him from my first transfer and I have not seen him since until now.

This week we got to open a little group to our branch, there is another village 3 miles from ours called La Presumida and we got to do a sacrament meeting there, because it is difficult for them to go to Jose Maria. But we had some investigators come to the services and it turned out very well. It was great to see that.

I am excited to stay here in Jose Maria Morelos another 6 weeks, so we will see how it goes.

Thanks for the love and support

Elder Stabenow

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Last 2 Weeks!

The Elders and Alia
Week 41

I don´t have that much time, but we are having really good things happing here. We had 5 investigators at church, and this week we will have the baptism of Alia. I finished the book of mormon for the second time in my mission. Everytime I read it i feel better, and I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and the power and peace in brings in our lives.
I hope everyone is good. I love you all and have a good week.

Elder Stabenow

                                     Elder Stabenow and his New Companion Elder Gardner

Week 42

This week was good, unfortunately Alia and to go to Merida to see her grandpa before he past away, But when she returns she will be baptized. But this last week was a good last week in Bosque 3
Now I am in José Maria Morelos and I am with Elder Gardner (from Utah, and his last Transfer). It is a village, but it seems really good here. The people are very humble here. I am excited to work here.
Thanks for the Love and support, and sorry for the short letter.

Elder Stabenow

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 40

Happy Birthday America from the elders!!

I hope everyone in the states are having a great 4th of July! This week has been an alright one. Sometimes there are just things that happen, but i just needed to keep going and just accept it as a way to show my faith to god.

We are doing well, we met the new President, his name is President Reynoso, he seems like a great guy and he will do some great stuff for this mission. And also he has a Brother in Law who is the Mission President of My cousin’s mission.

Elder Stabenow with President Reynoso and Sister Reynoso

We are still seeing good progression here with the investigators.

I love the scriptures and I know they are a blessing for us, so that we can receive comfort from up above. Thanks for the love and support.

Elder Stabenow

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Last 2 Weeks (38 & 39)

Week 39

This week has been a very good one. We have had a lot of help from the members of the ward which means a lot to us. We are seeing great progression. We have one investigator named Alia and she is attending, and she is very prepared to be baptized so we have a Baptismal service on the 16th of July!

We are seeing great things happen and we are always working hard on finding people to teach. I hope everyone had a great week and I love you and thank you for you love and support

Elder Stabenow

Week 38

This week was very good. On Saturday we had our last Interviews with Our president. It was an amazing experience and I am so grateful for him and his wife in my life. They are great examples of who we should be and what we should do in this life. On Monday we will be getting President Reynoso I am excited to work with him soon. In the Zone Conference we had a lot of fun things happened that made it such a good day.

We are seeing some geat progression here in Bosque 3 and things are going well. Thanks for the Love and Support

Elder Stabenow

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Week 35

This week was very good.

A week of some small miracles. We are seeing some good progress with people and we are finding some new people too.

This week we were in one part of our area that was a little far, I felt to ask a guy for direction for a street, and after I ask I found out that he was drunk. He was really drunk, we got caught up with him for about 20 minutes or so. He made us say a prayer, and he also offered a prayer also in the middle of the street. But he wanted us to visit his family, so we made an appointment for Sunday. We arrived there, and at first the guy (being sober) just was talking about things in general about god, and we were not able to talk that much. But we then offered to sing a hymn, and say a prayer. And after we sang the hymn, and said they prayer, and they became really reverent. The spirit brought such a nice feeling in that room, it was a very nice experience. We are seeing good progress here.
 Thanks for the love, support, and prayers.

Elder Stabenow

Monday, June 6, 2016

Week 34

Elder Stabenow and Elder Kenison

Transfers! I am staying and I received a new companion. He is my first american companion in the mission, his name is Elder Kenison, and he is from Utah. 
This week has been good, we have been working hard, and we are seeing progression. I have have felt a lot of peace this week, a lot of happiness. It is something so nice to feel the spirit in my life. It is great to have this gift as members of the church. I hope everyone is feeling the fruits of the Holy Ghost. 
Yesterday we had elections here so we just stayed in the house after going to church and eating lunch. It was alright, I watched devotionals, but it was a little long for me. I can`t believe on how fast the time has gone.
 Just Choose Happiness, Endure to the End while Enjoying life to the End, and it is always our decision if we are happy. 

I love you guys, I hope and pray for the best for you.

Thanks for the Prayers

Elder Stabenow

Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Change, Skype and Beautiful Scenery

On his bus ride to Chetemal

So the week after  Elder Stabenows last blog post he recieved a call from his Mission President saying that he was going to be moving him.  So the next morning he took a 6 hour bus ride to his new are called Chetumal.

We were also able to Skype with him for Mothers Day, but we skyped with him on Mothers Day in Mexico which was May 10th.  It was Great!!

Elder Stabenows latest letter -

What a fun week with Skype. It was great to see my family and to talk with them. 
It has been a good week. We found a lot of people to teach this week. it’s been nice to see that miracle here. 
I have thought a lot about the scriptures, and I am so thankful for the Book of Mormon so we can know the gospel, and that we can know our Savior Jesus Christ better. I love the promise that if we come unto Christ, through his Atonement we can all be perfect through him. 
I love teaching this gospel and I love my Savior.

Elder Stabenow

We also got to visit Oxtankah today

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Staying the Same

Enjoying a nice meal!

This week was the last week of
transfers. I have received my transfer, and I am staying exactly the same. So I will be here another 6 weeks! This past week we have started to see more things start moving. We had one boy, who`s family is all members except him, now he wants to get baptized so we will be working with him for a few weeks now. But it has been a good normal week. We are hoping to find more people to teach, or families, but we are working for that, and the lord will provide. We have so many blessings here in this life to help us progress. I love the Gospel. I am happy because I have a new nephew, and he is a little fighter, I had a little bit of nerves coming up to his birth, because I could not be there. But when it got closer, I had peace that everything will be alright. 
I Love my family so much.

Elder Stabenow

Elder Balldarama is now in his zone!

Taking care of an Ingrown toenail:)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Happy Birthday Elder Stabenow!

Happy Birthday Landon!
Picking up his package from the mission office!

April 18, 2016

 Hola Como Estas? Estoy muy bien y feliz.  
It is really good to be here.  Sometimes it is stressful and sometimes I feel terrible for mistakes I make.  But it is wonderful to see and hear about miracles.  Last week I received a Letter from Elder Baldarrama.  He talked about a little kid named Mario.  And every time we were in his neighborhood Mario would always say “Hey! Lend me 5 pesos” And Elder Baldarrama always said “Nah! Get Lost!”  But it was really funny to see this.  And we ran into this kid about 5 times a week.  But I got transferred, and transferred again. But Elder Baldarrama is still in Villa Del Sol. In his letter he said that Mario showed them his family, and now the family is investigators. It was really nice to see that and hear about that miracle.  Now I am in Bonampak it okay. It is very hard to have members in our lessons, and have them help us with the work.  So that has been a hard part in this area.  Today is my Birthday and it has been Good, I am writing this in the morning.  So after studying we will pick up my package.  I don’t believe I have anything special planned later today.  Also Transfers are on Sunday so I am not sure what will happen.  I have my feelings but I am not going to say anything about it.  J I love you so much and thanks for everything.  I pray for you guys every day, and hope everything is well. 

“Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me. I am Jesus Christ. I came by the will of the Father and I will do his will.” D&C 19: 23-24

Happy Birthday Boy
Elder Stabenow
Elder Calderon heading home from his mission! Saying good-bye!
Adding an extra Companion this week

Monday, April 4, 2016

Conference Weekend

 Imagine how happy we were to get a text on Conference Sunday from someone who was with Elder Stabenow watching conference.

The Elders watching General Conference in Cancun!

Elder Stabenow in his Hammock


This week went great, we are seeing people progress it is so great to see that. We will keep doing our best. And what a great conference we had. So inspired, and so many great messages. I Loved Thomas S. Monson´s talks, I really enjoyed his comments about our choices and how they are of eternal significance. I loved that fact that we have the power to become the person we want to be. This gospel is great and what an enriching weekend. We have been doing great here in Bonampak, and I love that I can be here preaching. I hope everyone got something out of conference and felt the blessings of this restored gospel with a living day Prophet. I have so many blessings before my mission that I failed to recognize, but I recognize them now. I know I am so blessed with so many things. I love you guys, count your many blessings, and keep working, changing, and progressing.

Elder Stabenow

Thursday, March 31, 2016

6 Months!

Elder Stabenow in Cancun

6 Months! The time has gone really fast but very meaningful. 

This week I got to hear a lot about finding that new life in Christ. And how it is important to do the things that help us be more Christlike. Finding our new life in Christ is through his Atonement, and repentance. And having the faith to change your heart to do his will. I loved it. Being out here for 6 months has been a life changing experience and I want to be better and more Christlike. I have felt the love of Christ in many different ways and it makes me feel so happy and loved. I know that we will want to feel that love always in our hearts. I love it I testify that we can all feel the love of Christ in our lives.

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow love the bread there:)

Elder Stabenow

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 23 and a New Area...Again

Letters from both this week and last week.... Transfered and then moved to another area:)



I have been transferred again, but staying in the same zone. This past week I felt I learned a lot on who I want to become as a missionary, and have received a lot of helpful advice from other missionaries that I look up to. I love this new video from the church, the Easter message. And I think it is somewhat personal to everyone, and means a lot when we truly think of what he did for us. I love it. I love thinking about how Christ know what is happening in our personal lives, and I truly believe that our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ surely matches the tears that we cry with their own. I believe this next transfer will be a good one, a one of learning, and a lot of growing. I love you guys sorry for the short letter, but all is good. I love you guys.

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow with a family from his first new area!



This Past week we did a lot of getting to know the members and the area. It was really great to know all of it. But on Saturday we got a call from President Kirkham that we would be leaving together to another area. So we are in Bonampak, and so we are starting at page one again. But it has been really great this past week.

I want to keep learning so much, and keep trying to be more and more Christ like, I don´t have much time to write a lot. But I love this perfect work. I love this gospel. Thanks for the love and support.

Elder Stabenow

 Outside of his Apartment in Bonampak, it is in Cancun 
Elder Stabenow with his new Companion!  Enjoying Ice Cream

Thursday, March 3, 2016

5 Months

5 Months, crazy!

Thanks for all the love and support that you guys give me. I am truly learning a lot here. I really love the fact that I get to be here. This week we had some crazy rain. For the first 2 hours it was a blast, I got to walk in huge puddles, because I was already soaked it did not make a difference. But after those first 2 hours, it just was too much, haha. So the rain finally stopped 3 hours later. But we had a lot of funny experiences during that.

This week we were privileged to hear from a Seventy, Elder Mendoza. And it was inspired. I cannot explain all of the things I learned, due to time. But it was such a blessing to be there, and feel that spirit. But one thing that I love in the gospel is Repentance. I am understanding repentance more and more as I am out here. We always need to repent and change something in our lives to be able to return to our Loving Heavenly Father. Study Repentance.

I am blessed to be here.

Thanks for everything.

Elder Stabenow

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 19

A kind person on vacation took a picture of Landon and sent a nice text!

What a blessing it is to be here. It is getting better, some long days, but some really good moments. I would like to share a little about yesterday in the 3rd hour of church. But It was about prayer, and we had some tourist there, and only one could speak spanish. But he shared amazing stuff about prayer. Like preparing before we pray, being guided by the spirit as we pray, and having a few moments of reverence after our pray. It was such a good class. But what a privlige we have to be able to pray to the creator of all things. The one who knows what is better for us, and will give us what we need to get through it, and become what he wants us to be. Only if we are willing to search for it, and have the faith to recieve it. I love you guys and I hope everything is well.

Estoy agradecido estar aquí.

Elder Stabenow

So happy he can find his favorite candy bar!

There is nothing like taking off your shoes and realizing you killed a few bugs!  HaHa

Monday, February 15, 2016

I don´t have much time to talk about my week. Ups and Downs. But things will get better if we put our trust in the Lord and do our part with all our love.

Elder Stabenow gave a talk on the Holy Ghost Sunday

A mural in his favorite part of his area.

I have heard tragic news about Sister Sadie Wells. I cried a few tears over the news of her in this computer Cafe. But I know that this is the Work of the Lord. And I Know that being out here your love for your family grows. I Love my Family.

A mission is about loving and helping others to come unto Christ. One of the Christ like Attributes is Love. And I know Love is a Devine Gift. I love you, I hope the best for you, and Heavenly Father has a special plan for every one of us.

Elder Stabenow

Elder Stabenow didnt write a family letter but sent a few pictures from the previous week.  

Drenched after a rain storm :)

Enjoying some Brownie mix from his package,